Monday, March 21, 2011

GiGi Hill

I am so excited to share with you my new business. I have signed on as a Stylist for GiGi Hill Bags. "Girlfriends and can never have too many." These beautiful bags are named after prominent actresses,fictional characters,models and singers from the 1900's to the 60's. Like the Audrey was named after Audrey Hepbern,the Sophia was named after Sophia Laren, Lucy after Lucille Ball ect..Every design from large luggage roller bag that can be turned sideways so it can roll down the middle of the ailes between the a small eyeglass case. Please check out my website bags are durable and stylish. They are known for their signiature pockets inside and out that keep you organized. Please check out the website and let me know if there is anything you have questions about or perhaps want to order.
I will post photos of them later. Thanks for stopping by and please sign my guest book below so I know you popped in !

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